Ok, I want to start with guns:
Nithon Pistol- it's a good start and all but i think it should need a good hit in order to make digimon deleting more ineresting
Domino gun or bullet- I don't know it it should be one or the other but it kills mutiple digimon (only when close together), takes a bit longer to charge and pulse is slower than others. (this one make me feel evil)
Disruptor Bullet- self defence for hypno, one quick, weak and short ranged pulse. used more as a counter attack than and attack because it requires him/her to be really close. kills rookies, but champs or higher survive with injuries
stun bullet (or gernade)- some what like disrupter but wont kill and is not short range. (not effective against champ or higher)
rebooter bullet- since most guns don't effect champs or higher developers created rebooter. doesn't kill but reverts digimon back to rookie/in training/baby
Next sheilds and electric fields:
standard: rechargable shield that protects from some rookie attacks (batterys die after third attack or so)
(battery pack available right?)
disruptor shield- like bullet, one time use, for direct attack only
stong shield- time limit batterys but protect from all attacks (one or two posts after activating)
net field: use like a net to cover rookie or weaker just long enough to charge Nithon pistol
trapper- traps champ level digimon for as long as net field
and other stuff:
flare- distracts digimon, allows you to charge gun or run
disruptor glove- for pro hypnos only (lots of posts)!!! infinint disruptor at the palm of you hand. well almost, limit per thread
(expensive as heck!)
missions- for money, free batterys, ect. rangingin difficulty
I think there should be a hypno's market (I'll even volunteer to be the merchant). The system could work like the card shop. If you (speaking to all admins) don't mind, I would like to keep updateing it with "new items" every once and a while and perhaps special sales days (only with your [again, all admins] approval of course)
If you got questions about anyone of my ideas please don't hesitate to ask!!